Bonner's Landing

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The point and land north of the point consist of a rocky beach, downed trees, and a treeline of conifers. The north end has a wide sedge meadow grading into a grass meadow. Historically, the area contained a settlement of Indians from the Grand Traverse tribe. The settlement was known as Peshabee Town. A foot path takes you from Oliver’s Point to Mrs. Reddings Trail.

To the north on Bonner's Landing, the beach has a low dune that contains rich flora, especially in the interdunal area. Pitcher's thistle is abundant, as well as bear-berry, creeping juniper, and a beach anemone. This site has limited access to the road, which is private.

Rustic Launch

GPS: 45° 42.27900, -85° 34.80360
Location Map for Bonner's Landing